September 27, 2008



September 15, 2008

September - October Writing Challenge

Think of something that is important to you -- a life changing experiance, a sorrow, or a great joy. Write one page, double spaced (about 250 words) about this. BUT you may only use one syllable words.

Three exceptions:
1) You may not lie, so don't say "I was born in Maine." if you were born in Michigan.
2) You may use contractions of one syllable words. So, for example, you can say "couldn't" instead of "could not."
3) You may use two syllable words if they are under 5 letters long. (i.e. into, over, upon).

(Certain one syllable words, swear words, should be avoided still.)

This writing exercise comes from a class (at Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference) taught by Susan King an editor with The Upper Room, and is used with permission.

September 14, 2008


The woman fell at his feet, exhausted

“No!” The girl screamed, flopping on her pallet.

Touching his dusty feet, the woman felt a surge of strength. Hope remained.

The girl felt what little strength remained begin to flow out of her body. Why wouldn’t they leave her alone?

“Please,” the woman cried out, her face in the dirt. “Heal my daughter. Make her clean!”

The cloth rough against her face, the girl tasted blood from where she’d bitten her cheek.

“Its not right,” he said. The woman raised up her thin body, searching for his face. “Please! I’ll settle for the dog’s crumbs.”

The girl tried to breathe, but failed.

He bent and wiped away a tear. “Go. Your faith has healed your daughter.”

A focused shaft of sunlight found its way through the thin, threadbare curtain, revealing startled eyes. She was free.

Taste and See

Jesus heals
through faith

abundant grace

He gains


The Feast of Crumbs

Hers is the voice
that cries out. She is
the dog at the children’s table.
She seeks. She finds.

She knocks and the door
is opened. The Bridegroom
welcomes her. He spreads the table,
anoints her head,

and pours out blessings. He saves
the crumbs for her.
He says, Partake
in remembrance of Me.

Feast upon the bread that was broken.
Partake of the crumbs, liberally spread,
she gathers seven baskets,
twelve baskets full.

Bread crumbs
scattered as a miracle,
as a sacrament.

The Children's Supper

I want to tell of feasts of bounty
the wedding at Canna
the table in the presence of mine enemies
the finer points of pre-medieval religious banquets

and I am left with crumbs
crumbs from His table like a dog
crumbs of a life liberally scattered
and spread like a feast